Optimizing Performance in GCP BigQuery

Jash Bhatt
3 min readMar 19, 2023

BigQuery is a fully managed, cloud-native data warehouse solution from Google Cloud Platform (GCP). It offers a scalable and cost-effective way to store and analyze large datasets using SQL-like queries. However, as with any data warehouse solution, performance can become an issue as the amount of data and complexity of queries increase. In this article, we will explore strategies for optimizing the performance of BigQuery queries, including using caching, partitioning data, and reducing data movement. I will also provide tips for monitoring query performance and identifying bottlenecks.

Use Query Caching

One way to improve query performance in BigQuery is to use query caching. Query caching allows BigQuery to reuse the results of a query that has already been executed, instead of executing the query again. This can be particularly useful for queries that are executed frequently or have long execution times.

Query caching in BigQuery is enabled by default. All query results, including both interactive and batch queries, are cached in temporary tables for approximately 24 hours with some exceptions.

There are two ways to determine if BigQuery returned a result using the cache:

  • Using the Google Cloud console. Go to Query results and click Job Information. Bytes processed shows 0 B (results cached).
BigQuery Console — Job Information
  • Using the BigQuery API. The cacheHit property in the query result is set to true.

Partition Your Data

Another way to optimize query performance in BigQuery is to partition your data. Partitioning involves dividing a large table into smaller, more manageable pieces based on a specified column. Queries that filter on the partitioning column will only scan the relevant partitions, reducing the amount of data that needs to be processed and improving performance.

To partition a table in BigQuery, you can use the CREATE TABLE statement with a partitioning clause, like this:

CREATE TABLE my_partitioned_table
PARTITION BY DATE(my_date_column)
AS SELECT * FROM my_table;

This will create a new table called my_partitioned_table that is partitioned by the my_date_column column, using the DATE function to extract the date value from the column. Queries that filter on the my_date_column column will only scan the relevant partitions, improving performance.

Reduce Data Movement

Reducing data movement is another way to optimize query performance in BigQuery. Data movement refers to the transfer of data from one location to another, such as from storage to compute resources. Reducing data movement can be achieved by using filters, aggregates, and projections to limit the amount of data that needs to be transferred and processed.

For example, you can use a projection to return only a subset of columns from a table, like this:

SELECT column1, column2 FROM my_table;

This will return only the column1 and column2 columns from the my_table table, reducing the amount of data that needs to be transferred and processed.

Monitor Query Performance

Finally, it’s important to monitor query performance in BigQuery to identify potential bottlenecks and optimize queries for better performance. BigQuery provides several tools for monitoring query performance, including the INFORMATION_SCHEMA metadata views.

To access query statistics using the INFORMATION_SCHEMA metadata views, you can use a query like this:

user_email = 'my_email@example.com'
creation_time DESC

This will return the most recent 10 queries executed by the specified user, along with statistics on bytes processed and slot usage. By monitoring query performance in this way, you can identify slow-running queries and optimize them for better performance.


Optimizing performance in GCP BigQuery is an ongoing process that requires careful planning and monitoring. By using query caching, partitioning data, reducing data movement, and monitoring query performance, you can ensure that your queries run quickly and efficiently, even as your data grows.

If you want to learn more about BigQuery and its features, you can check out my other stories here:



